terça-feira, 1 de março de 2011

Brasileiros em Bolonha 2011

Quatro livros que ilustrei em 2010 foram selecionados para a atual edição do catálogo FNLJ, para representar o Brasil na 48TH BOLOGNA CHILDREN’S BOOK FAIR 2011, a mais célebre feira de literatura infantojuvenil do mundo. De Daniel Munduruku, pela Global Editora (2010), foi escolhido A CAVEIRA ROLANTE, A MULHER-LESMA E OUTRAS HISTÓRIAS INDÍGENAS DE ASSUSTAR, ilustrado com pirogravuras, tinturas e pigmentos naturais. No catálogo FNLIJ assim é mencionado:

There are six retold stories from different Brazilian indigenous peoples. Inspired by the Tukanos, Ajurus, Macuraps, Tembés, and Karajás, indigeous writer Daniel Munduruku selected tales that speak of our fears, of the unknown. Made in color pyrogravure, with organic pigment and elements, Mauricio Negro’s illustrations enrich the narratives and impress an atmosphere contextualized by a nature that is to be shared by the readers. (NP)

Da Editora Moderna VIRANDO GENTE GRANDE: RITUAIS INDÍGENAS DE PASSAGEM, de Benedito Prezia e PAU-BRASIL: A ARTE E O ENGENHO DO POVO BRASILEIRO, de Luis Pimentel. Já pela Paulus, o livro CONTOS FOLCLÓRICOS BRASILEIROS, de Marco Haurélio (Paulus, 2010) também foi selecionado. Assim está na página 54:

Starting from the proposal of preserving our popular memory and traditions, poet and folklorist Marco Haurélio, professor of the Bahia State University, presents a collection of folk tales, the result of painstaking research effort by his students. These are tales collected in Igaporã, Brumado, and Serra do Ramalho, in the state of Bahia and in the Ceará region of the Canindé. Loyalty to oral tradition may be observed when the author maintains the typical words of popular language as they were used by the original storytellers. The careful edition and Maurício Negro’s illustrations constitute an art that is complementary to Marco Haurélio’s art of popular narrative, resulting in a beautiful book. (MB)

Na Livraria Cortez, juntos, autografando Contos Folclóricos Brasileiros

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